Europska unija - zajedno do fondova

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The Education for the guides for people with special needs (with mobility difficulties and visual impairments)

As part of the project The Visitor Center The Drava Story, Public Institution for Management of Protected Parts of Nature and Ecological Network of Virovitica Podravina County in cooperation with Marjeta Trkman - Kravar from the Association of Tourist Guides of Zagreb and Central Croatian Macroregion conducted the education for guides for people with disabilities (in movement and visual impairments) in the period from June 2nd to 4th 2020. The education was attended by 5 people, employees of the Public Institution and external associates.

On the last day of the education, the Center was visited by the Association of Persons with Disabilities Slatina, and there was conducted a presentation of acquired knowledge of participants of the education and testing of some of the adapted contents of the Center for persons with disabilities. People with disabilities from the Association tested the functionality and suitability of the Center and gave feedback on the visitor satisfaction and the possible space for improvement.